I recently read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I really liked this book. My Sister's Keeper is about a young girl who has a sister with cancer. Her parents had her in the hopes that she would be a perfect donor match for her sister, Kate, and she was. The story goes onto say that Anna is a donor for Kate multiple times, which Anna doesn't seem to mind. But Anna has to drw the line somewhere, and being asked to donate a kidney is where she does just that. Anna decides to find a lawyer and file for Medical Emancipation. I think that Anna definitely had a right to file for Medical Emancipation. I think that it's important that in these situations, however rare or unrare they may be, to remember that yes there is a child with cancer who needs transplants, but at the same time there is also another child in the picture. A child who may be physically harmed by the medical procedure. I was almost angry with the ending to My Sister's Keeper. It had a weird twist that you would have never seen coming. (Photo from: books.google.com)
This book looks good! I might read it!
I absolutely loved this book!!!! its soooo good!
AH, ive heard of this book didnt know if it was good or not! sounds good though!
my friends read this and they said it was like the best book ever! i really want to read it!!!
This book was the first Jodi Piccoult book I read and have been hooked ever since. This book really stirs up a lot of controversial issues as well as moral dilemmas. If you don't help your sister people will deem you as insensitive and if you do help your sister your life and body is really not your own.
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