My favorite quote from
Animal Dreams is, "'So you think we all just have animal dreams. We can't think of anything to dream about except our ordinary lives.' He gently moved a lock of hair out of my eyes. 'Only if you have an ordinary life. If you want sweet dreams, you've got to live a sweet life.' (pg. 133
Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver)." I really like this quote because I think that your dreams are almost your way of reflecting on your life without knowing it. I think that it is important to have goals and if you dream about these goals you can picture yourself achieving them, therefore having more of an incentive to acomplish them. I also think that by Loyd saying this to Codi it makes her feel a little more at peace with herself and being with him.
My favorite character in
Animal Dreams is Loyd. I like his alomost mysterios ways and his understanding and patients with Codi. I feel that he has this "energy" that makes Codi like him as ling with the readers. I like how he is portrayed as this slightly shallow guy who gets around, but yet has this deep side that pulls you in and makes you want to read more and see what he will do with and/or for Codi next.
I think that the most important scene
Animal Dreams so far is when Loyd and Codi go to vistit Loyd's family for Christmas. I think it shows Codi what it could feel like to belong someplace with a group of people. When Loyd says, "We're like coyotes, get to a good place, turn around three times in the grass, and you're home. Once you know how, you can always do that, no matter what. You won't forget." I feel like he is trying to tell Codi that she can belong anywhere she wants to, make homw anywhere she wants to. I think this is significant because it is saying that home insn't a place, but a feeling you have in a place, whether that is one place or ten places.