I read an article in the Us Weekly Magazine about Nadya Suleman, the mother of 14 and the recently born octuplets. The article talked about how her life was going to change drastically once the, eight premature, babies come home. It also talked about how her six other children, all under the age of seven, don't yet realize how different their lives are going to be. Suleman's story is similar, yet very different from Nectar in a Sieve. It is similar in the way that Ira get's harassed for having an albino baby. Suleman is getting harassed for having the octuplets when she doesn't have a job and already had six children at home. It is different in the way that Ira only has one child. She was impregnated through prostitution. Suleman now has fourteen children. She was impregnated through in vitro fertilization.